January 28th 2018: Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B


New to the Parish? Welcome!

You can register only by filling in this online Registration Form.

If you would prefer to fill in a paper Registration Form, these can be found at the Church’s entrances. You can drop off your completed form in an offertory basket.

Don’t forget we have a website that provides information about our parish.

Masses for the Week

Sat. January 27

  • 9:00 am † Maria & Manuel Furtado
  • 5:00 pm † Enrico Aguilar

Sun. January 28

  • 9:00 am St. Thomas Aquinas
    • †Deceased members of the Philips & Robbins Families
  • 11:00 am For the People of our Parish
  • 7:00 pm †Tan Tiu Lay & Sy Soat Ngo

Mon. January 29

  • 9:00 am † Christino & Anita Balin

Tues. January 30

  • 9:00 am † Cecilia Simpao

Wed. January 31

  • 9:00 am Intention of David & Kian Hong Hui

Thurs. February 1

  • 9:00 am † Souls in Purgatory

Fri. February 2

  • 9:00 am
    • † Martin & Arnolta Raposo
    • † Alfred & Matilda Hannah
    • † Kaylie Rodrigues
    • † Charles Nelly & Joseph D’Cunha
    • † Amy Moniz
  • 7:30
    • † Laraine Imperial

Sat. February 3

  • 9:00 † Mariana & Manuel Simas
  • 5:00 † Maria Rizzuto


God chooses his prophets, but they must speak God’s word. The first reading points to the long line of prophets after Moses; the psalm speaks of our perennial need to listen to them with open hearts. Mark’s first chapter shows us the greatest speaker of God’s word, Jesus. His words are his credentials; they carry conviction. To prove the authority of Jesus’ preaching, Mark cites the exorcism of the possessed man in the synagogue at Capernaum. Even the demon had to admit Jesus’ holiness and the power of his word. It was not the exorcism, astonishing as it was, which provoked enthusiasm, but the person of this teacher which inspired respect. (As yet Jesus’ identity was clear only to the demons). Mark wants us to be drawn to Jesus not for his miracles but to believe. St. Paul’s teaching concerns a very different subject, consecrated celibacy. This gift can free a person to be completely available for God’s work. But it is not for everyone; there are other gifts as well. Whatever the gift, the Lord wants our undivided hearts.

(Sunday Mass Book)


A Women’s Lenten retreat weekend will be taking place this centre in Mississauga on February 16-18. The retreat will be preached by the Centre team, Oblate Father Pawel Ratajczak and Mrs. Anne Hales. A beautiful way to begin the season of Lent.

For information or registration please call 905-278-5229.


This year Ash Wednesday is on February 14 and we are putting out a request for palms to be returned to our Parish. We have the ashes prepared here for the masses, which take place at 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.

We also provide ashes for our schools for their masses.

Good Shepherd – Provide A Meal Program 2018

Sacramental Ministry – Welcome to our 2017-18 season!

See the Reconciliation & First Holy Communion sacrament page for more details

See the Confirmation sacrament page for more details



Taking place on Sunday February 11th, 2018 at 12:15 to 2:00 p.m.

After the 11:00 a.m. mass we will be serving up a delicious breakfast including 3 pancakes with syrup, 2 breakfast sausages, fruit, juice, tea or coffee

Tickets are $5.00 per person

Contacts: Peter D’Souza 416-283-3959 or Carlo Vacca 416-283-3536

Monies raised are for Knights of Columbus charities.

St. Joseph’s YOUTH MINISTRY is expanding to High School students!

St. Joseph’s YOUTH MINISTRY is expanding to High School students! HS Foundations will start Sunday February 4th. Spend time with God and peers while sharing supper, exploring Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body and Ascension Press’ Altaration, participating in Mass and more. Registration is free.


  • Feb. 4
  • Mar. 4 (Lift Jesus Higher Rally)
  • Apr. 8 (Divine Mercy Sunday)
  • May 6
  • June 3
  • July 8 (after the Parish Picnic)
  • with more dates to come

Parishioners are invited to pray for our youth and become “Supper Saints” (to make one meal over the course of the year).

For more information contact Angie Bernard at 647-242-8429.

[Read More]


The C.W.L. is a national Catholic Women’s Organization with a membership comprised of women of our parish who are 16 year and over. It celebrates healthy family life and the Catholic faith enhancing spiritual development in the roles of women in the church is society. The CWL also holds Annual Youth Awards Contests and encourages its members to develop their leadership skills.

Through the CWL’s fundraising efforts our parish flourishes. If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact Lucia Vacca at 416-283-3536. We continue to accept new members and membership renewals.

KoC Fallsview Casino Charity Bus Trip


Weekly Activities:

  1. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament every Friday from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
  2. Mass followed by Stations of the Cross every Friday from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.
  3. Lenten Talks every Thursday beginning with the Stations of the Cross at 7:30 p.m. This has been organized by the Prayer Group and takes place in the Hall. Everyone is welcome.
  4. 4) Parish Lenten Retreat, Saturday February 24, 2018 9:30 to 2:00 p.m.


This is a weekly event on Wednesday nights from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the Hall. It a great way to stay fit and have fun for the cost of a Toonie! ($2.00) There is a professional instructor to guide us through the moves. All are welcome to attend so bring your friends and enjoy!

Details are found on our bulletin board.


On Friday, Jan. 26th 23 discovered that faithfulness to God includes participating fully, actively and consciously during Mass, especially during the awesome miracle of bread and wine transubstantiating into Jesus’s body, soul. Blood and Divinity. He humbles himself so that we can become Holy. Let’s thank Him from the depth of our hearts.

Registration is still open for youth in grade 6,7 or 8. 

Go to https://www.stjosephstoronto.org/ministries/youth/youth-ministry/ for more information