Monthly Archives: April 2020

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Mass Intentions Saturday Apr. 25 9:00 a.m. INT Philopmena Pinto 5:00 p.m. RIP Sebastian Ricupero Sunday Apr. 26 9:00 a.m. RIP Peter Banks 7:00 p.m. RIP Joan Williams Monday Apr. 27 9:00 a.m. INT Theresa Colangelo Tuesday Apr. 28 9:00 a.m. RIP Patrick Boyle Wednesday Apr. 29 9:00 a.m. RIP Mary Burns Thursday Apr. 30 […]

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Mass Intentions Saturday Apr. 18 9:00 a.m. RIP Aidan Redmond 5:00 p.m. RIP Deceased member of the Furtado Family Sunday Apr. 19 9:00 a.m. RIP Peter Banks 7:00 p.m. RIP Paul Bonfanti Monday Apr. 20 9:00 a.m. RIP Souls in Purgatory Tuesday Apr. 21 9:00 a.m. RIP Patrick Boyle Wednesday Apr. 22 9:00 a.m. RIP […]

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Mass Intentions Monday, Apr. 13 9:00 a.m. Intention of Juling Quiogue Tuesday, Apr. 14 9:00 a.m. RIP Jack & Nellie Elbertsen Wednesday, Apr. 15 9:00 a.m. RIP Michael & Margaret Mullane Thursday, Apr. 16 9:00 a.m. RIP Casmiro Dias Friday, Apr. 17 9:00 a.m. Intention of Matilda Gracias Intention of Christa Hahn RIP Joan McNeil […]

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In this time of tribulation, we as priests of Jesus Christ, are all the more called to deepen our exercise of this sacred ministry to the glory of God and the service of His people. Each day we do this through the celebration of the Eucharist even when it is not possible for the people to be present. We also do this through the celebration of the Liturgy of Hours in which we pray for God’s people as their priests, and I strongly encourage every priest to spend at least an hour before the Blessed Sacrament in prayer for the people.

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Mass Intentions for the Week of April 4 to April 11th Sat. April 4 9:00 a.m. RIP Michael & Margaret Mullane 5:00 p.m. RIP Rosario Calandra Sun. April 5 9:00 a.m. RIP Aidan Redmond 11:00 a.m. People of the Parish 7:00 p.m. RIP Patrick Boyle Mon. April 6 9:00 a.m. RIP Damaso Quigue Tues. April […]

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